October to April is the dry season in Laos, South East Asia, and usually considered the best time to visit. Temperatures usually hit highs of about 32 °C (90 °F)across the dry season in Vientiane, the country’s sleepy capital, though can spikes up to 35°C ( 95 °F)in April, the hottest month. The hillier north is usually a couple of degrees cooler, so December and January can be a bit chilly in the hills and mountains.November through January is the best time for river travel when the water is at its highest and travelling fast, a great time to take in the might Mekong and the superb flora and fauna along its banks. April brings Songkran (Laos New Year), a week-long national party celebrating the end of the dry season and start of the monsoon. Much of the country becomes a giant water fight, and you are likely to get drenched by everyone from children to grandmothers, whether you like it or not.